Boat House renovations begin!

Oct 9, 2024

Things must look worse before they get better.

In order to document our latest project we are going to create a blog series to showcase the progress of our Boat House renovations and bring new and old guests along for the ride.

Having stood the test of time the current Boat House, which was built by Great Aunt Tim and Great Uncle Rex in 1962, holds a huge amount of sentimentality for the family. Its such a unique spot and so the renovations come with the added pressure of ‘doing the right thing’ to keep the integrity of the original building whilst updating it to create a modern, beautiful space for guests to stay.

As happens with all projects, it was decided that the patio area, which has previously been used for shoot parties and fisherman to sit and take in the views, needed a face lift before we blocked off access with an extension to the Boat House. So, in the pouring February rain we took up the existing patio slabs and started the creation of what has turned out to be the most fantastic structure. I say structure because we are still arguing about what to call it, patio isn’t right, pagoda? Maybe our guests will help us to decide! Luckily the weather improved enabling the builders to erect the larch legs and create an amazing fireplace that gives the space another dimension. Think roasting marshmallows or grilling a steak our vision is that guests will be able to use the space come rain or shine to enjoy the lake views. As an added bonus and on a good day you can just make out the outline of Lincoln Cathedral many miles away.

Meanwhile the Boat House renovation didn’t get off to the greatest start. Having lowered the water at the lake in February we finally poured concrete for the foundations in July. For those of you that know Otby Lake you can well imagine the tension on site as a full concrete lorry made its way down the steep hill to make its pour. We are happy to report that it went without a hitch and the lads from Optima created the extension foundations within hours. Next followed the steel structure that forms the base of the extension and will eventually be the bedroom and bathroom of the luxury Boat House.

Currently, there’s a little bitless Boat House than there was when we started but the scaffold is up and the builders are starting work on building the timber structure, that will be the new accommodation. Whilst they crack on we are busy researching and making decisions on what the interiors are going to look like. It all feels like its finally starting to come together.