The story so far...

Discover how three generations of the Cooper family have shaped the land at Otby to create this unique, rural destination.

The Cooper family has been at Otby since the mid-1950s. Neil and Freda Cooper have lived and worked here for 40 years and in recent years have been joined by their daughter Natalie and son Frank. Two other daughters Lorna and Joanna live away but maintain a keen interest in developments at Otby, not least ensuring that the grandchildren visit often.

Everything you see today at Otby House Farm stands because of the work of three generations of the Cooper family. As custodians of the land, the Coopers very much see it as their job to ensure the right decisions are made to preserve this outstanding slice of the Lincolnshire Wolds for future generations.

Farmers who are passionate about the land

Since the 1950s, the Cooper family has been lucky enough to call Otby home.

The second highest point in the Lincolnshire Wolds, from here on a clear day, you can see Lincoln Cathedral, as well as the beautiful hidden valleys of Lincolnshire’s Wolds.

Otby is primarily a working mixed farm and much of the family’s time is taken up caring for the sheep you will see grazing the grassland and working the arable fields to produce crops to harvest as well as managing the many woodlands around the farm.

Otby Lake was created in the 1960s as a private fishing lake and formed the first diversification for Otby House Farm when it became a commercial trout fishing lake in the 1990s. It has now become a flourishing trout fishery popular with new visitors to the area as well as regular local anglers.

With Frank and Natalie becoming increasingly involved in the farm’s activity over the last few years, Otby is evolving and diversifying further as the family continues to look to the future. 2024 is set to be an exciting year as new ventures open creating new holiday spaces from which guests can enjoy Otby.

We look forward to sharing Otby with our visitors in the hope that the visits no matter how long allow them to relax, unwind and take in the beauty of the surroundings.

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